Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a free introductory call?

Yes of course! It’s important that you have the opportunity to speak to myself and see if you feel we would be a match ie you feel comfortable, safe and can forsee a positive connection between us. First impressions count right?

The call will be approximately 10-15minutes with no charge. I will introduce myself, the way I work and find out a little bit about what has brought you to counselling (to make sure I am the best counsellor for you). And most importantly you can ask me any questions, raise any concerns and see how you feel during our call.

If we are both in agreement to proceed, we then arrange an appointment to get you started or put you on my waiting list where you will be kept up to date on a regular basis.

How much do you cost?

I have priced my sessions at a moderate cost of £55 per session.

How much is your initial assessment / first session?

£55. We will use the therapeutic hour to let us both get to know each other and to see if our connection is a positive one. We can each ask our own questions and form a plan on how we are to proceed.

How long does a session last?

50 minutes. This is also known as the “therapeutic hour”.

How many sessions do I need to attend for?

I would initially recommend 6 to 12 sessions, however it is completely up to you. I am very flexible and like to always complete a review every 6 sessions to check and see how you feel things are going.

How do I go about booking a session?

You can either call my work mobile on 07856 377 494 or email

How do I cancel a session?

I have a cancellation policy which requires all clients to give 48hrs (two working days) notice if they wish to cancel a session. The full fee will otherwise then be payable where adequate notice is not given. Obviously, there will always be unforeseen circumstances outwith your control and I will, of course, consider these as an exception.

Which method of counselling should I go for face to face, telephone or online?

All are as good as each other. I believe each have their own strengths and which one used depends on the client. If you have a busy life style and not really have time to travel for counselling – then maybe online therapy is for you and you can do this from the comfort of your own home. Maybe you feel uncomfortable online or wish to keep a bit more anonymity, then telephone counselling would suit you.

Or perhaps you like face to face where you feel you can communicate better, trust easier and may be more comfortable in this setting. Or maybe technology just isnt your friend and you would rather avoid it if possible! Either way I can meet your needs in a way in which you are most comfortable. If you would like to change half way through, let me know and we can work something out.

Is my counselling session confidential?

The information discussed in your counselling session is completely confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone without your consent.

The only time I may release information to Local Authorities is if it is felt your life or someone else’s life is in immediate danger.

How can I pay for my session?

I would kindly ask that payment is made at least 24hrs prior to your appointment ideally by bank transfer. If face to face counselling you also have the option at the end of your session to pay by debit/credit card or cash.

Are there any discounts for block booking?

Yes, if paying the full charge of £55 – there is the option of - if 6 sessions are booked and paid for in advance by bank transfer, then a 10% discount can be offered.

Is there a student discount?

Yes. I understand and remember what it was like to be a student and can offer a reduced price of £45 if you are a full time student. Although this cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts.

What happens to my information if I do not want to proceed after initial assessment?

Your information will not be kept and will be confidentially destroyed.

What happens if there is an urgent situation in between our sessions?

If it is between my working hours of Monday 11am to 8.30pm, Tuesday 9am to 6pm, Wednesday 9am to 5pm, Thursday 8am to 5pm, Fridays 9am to 3pm you are more than welcome to email or text me to request an additional session or a brief 1/2 session phone call. I will respond as soon as I can.

If it is outwith my working hours, I can offer the following websites and telephone numbers until we are able to speak again in our next sessions.

Samaritans – tel - 116123 - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Breathing Space – tel - 0800 83 85 87 - Weekdays: Monday - Thursday 6pm to 2am and Weekends: Friday 6pm - Monday 6am

Penumbra – 1ST Response - 0800 234 3695 - Support is provided by telephone, email, text or through face to face appointments. Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.

MIND the mental health charity has information and advice on a huge range of mental health topics, including crisis planning and helplines:

Other Useful Resources:

Prevent Suicide App -

Shout - provides free, confidential support, 24/7 via text -

Papyrus - prevention of young suicide -

Alternatively, if a week seems a long time in between sessions to begin with we can schedule a ½ session telephone call or online video call mid-week.

Where else can I find information on you?