
My mission is to provide generalist counselling to adults over the age of 16 from diverse and varying socio-economic backgrounds.

I feel privileged to walk alongside my clients as they find their way through the challenge’s life has put in their paths. I am there to help clients better face and cope with problems, explore issues together and empower and motivate in whatever situation a client may face. I will be there to support my clients and provide a non-judgemental, safe and compassionate environment. I aim to help each and every client in a way that suits them best and be beside them in stepping towards their goal whether that be change, contentment, peace, happiness, validation or just simply to regain confidence, self-esteem, self-worth or just share their story and be believed. 


To help relieve any anguish, pain or distress of my clients and to navigate together towards a healthy and more resilient way of living.




I aim to provide a non-judgmental, safe and compassionate environment in which clients can engage the challenges of life with curiosity, perspective and vision.

Meaningful Connection

I aim to create a safe place where clients feel they can share their story and be heard. I appreciate the courage it can take to reach out to another and engage in such a process. I will always provide a respectful environment in all aspects of human rights and cultural difference and will aspire to meet the needs and be open to the differing beliefs of others. 


I strongly believe confidentiality is ingrained in who I am as a person, counsellor and business. It is my responsibility as a counsellor to provide a counselling relationship that is based on a foundation of trust and no information will be improperly disclosed to others.



As a Professional Person Centred Counsellor, I meet the requirements in regard to qualifications, experience, professionalism and insurance. I will continue to meet ongoing professionally trained standards and keep up high standards of practice and attend regular lifelong training.


As a counsellor I am bound by a code of BACP ethics. These ethics are designed to help counselling professionals provide clients with a secure base for them to work together. They ensure counsellors adhere to certain standards, have the appropriate skills and knowledge and are accountable for the ethical basis of their practice.