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The good old saying of ‘self-care isn’t selfish’, is genuinely true! If you look after yourself to the best of your ability, guess what happens… your partner, family, friends all get the best version of you. Your work obtains higher levels of productivity, your hobbies are attended regularly, and you start to reap the benefits from them. We all live busy lives and after Covid and lockdown I certainly realised just how busy I was. I must practice what I preach in order to give my clients (yes you!) the best version of me that I can.

What is self-care? 

It’s essentially about looking after your own physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health. It is about listening to your body and then making empowered decisions to look after your health and overall wellbeing as efficiently as possible. Self-care is just what it sounds like: taking care of yourself.

Self-care can also be incredibly hard for those people who have grown up with their feelings and needs not always met. It can also be incredibly hard for those who suffer from low self-esteem, a poor work ethic and those who have just not felt good enough and therefore may not feel they deserve self-care. But the most important message here is that we all deserve self-care, no matter what.

Lack of time, difficulty with change, or unrealistic expectations can also be barriers to self care. If you do decide to come to Aberdeen Bespoke Counselling for therapy then we can work on all of this together and work towards an all round healthier you.

There are different areas of self-care so let’s start with the physical - living healthy, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and avoiding drugs and alcohol.  You can also do simple things such as taking a walk in nature, breathing exercises, journalling or just doing something which relaxes you - this is different for everyone. What ever it is for you, its about making some ‘me time’ and turning off your mobile phone (turning off notifications or putting it on airplane mode can be helpful). 

Psychological – therapy (highly recommend Aberdeen Bespoke Counselling!!), journalling, drawing/painting, relaxing outside or reading a self-help book are just some ideas to get you started.

Spiritual - being in nature, meditation, singing, dancing, yoga, watching sunsets, volunteering…. 

Emotional – self-love, self-compassion, watching a funny film, cuddling your pet

Physical - walks, running, any hobby (but it must count as relaxing or recharging your batteries), breathing exercises

The main thing to consider about self-care is it is a very personal thing to you. Self-care can be different things to different people. For example, your self-care might be running, fishing, cooking or playing the guitar, whereas…I’m more along the lines of massages, walks in nature, watching a funny film, relaxing in the sun, cuddling my pets and spend time with friends or family! Do you know what is your self-care?

What are the benefits of self-care?

Self-care can help to manage stress.  For example, making time for relaxing activities can help you to relax more and even feel less anxious. Exercise, for example can lower your risk of illness or burnout. And healthy eating and a good night’s sleep can actually make the world of difference. It can also increase your energy and focus, by following some mindfulness, interacting with nature or just having some ‘me time’. And finally, it can improve your relationships at home and at work, as you are bringing a more relaxed, happy and healthy person to the table.

We all lead increasingly busy lives, and it can be easy to forget to put yourself first, especially if you have multiple responsibilities at home, work, family and socially. But looking after yourself will make you feel better, and the better you feel, the better you will be in all areas of your life. Self-care doesn't have to involve a huge time commitment and it doesn't have to cost the earth. Give it a try!

